How I Met my Mexican Lover


​The moment Valentín Torres Hernández pulled me into him and put his arm around me for this photo, the hair on my arms stood up and my body tingled all over. Instant attraction? Did he feel it too?

​I was drawn to the bright colors of a single-story building near the bay in Ensenada – yellow and orange with brilliant blue wavy lines – the Artisan Center of Ensenada where Valentín worked as a salesman in the Pérez Meillón Gallery.

There were lively arts and cultural events at the Artisan Center and I returned there often.

​Valentín pursued me for a special connection each time I visited the gallery. He lured me with his charming personality, hand polished semi-precious stone jewelry, and tall tales about legendary people and places in Baja. He loved to tell jokes. With him I found laughter in abundance.

His smile was irresistable.


Travels with Valentín coming in future blogs …