Category: Chihuahua

How I was Adopted into a Family of Potters (Part Two)

The Pottery Making Process Can you imagine creating a highly artistic piece of pottery without ever going to the store for supplies or using a kiln to fire it? Can you imagine using your own hands and materials from the earth to create this pottery? ​The many pottery making families in the small town of […]

Homage to World Renown Mata Ortiz Potter: Juan Quezada Celado

I’d like to acknowledge Juan Quezada’s contribution to the arts in Mexico. On December 1, 2022, Juan Quezada died in a tragic auto accident near his ranch in Mata Ortiz, Chihuahua, Mexico, at the age of 82. All who knew him, offer our sympathies to his family, pottery making friends, galleries, cultural promoters and museums […]