Love Affair with the Riviera Maya

Sunrise at Casita Carolina next to the Lake of Seven Colors, Bacalar

I enjoyed doing quick sketches every day over the seven days of the art rendezvous. We visited a different painting location each day. Among the venues were – the Mayan ruins of Dzibanche, friends’ gardens, Cenote Azul, the Old Fortand scenes in town. We mounted a “clothesline art show on the last day and sold our pieces to neighbors, friends and art supporters.

Boy selling veggies and flowers in town

A tropical plant vendor in town

Tropical tree at the Mayan Dzibanche Ruins

Our “clothesline art show” was open to the public on the last day of the art rendezvous.

I was inspired to paint more watercolors at home and mounted a show in Ensenada, Baja California in June 2011

The show took place at the Pérez Meillón Gallery at the invitation of owner, Adalberto Pérez Meillón (far right). We named the exposition: “Love Affair with the Riviera Maya”. On opening night, the response was outstanding. My watercolors were so enticing that guests wanted to know how they could visit such a lush and colorful location in Mexico. Several finished watercolors are shown below.

The Lake of Seven Colors at Casita Carolina

Sunrise at Cenote Azul

Mural on Wall of Laundry “Lolita” in Bacalar

Hummingbird and white trumpet flowers